11/20/2015 Casa del Mar Santa Monica
2nd Annual Legacy Charity Gala
Legacy Award Recipient Kathy Buckley & No Limits for Deaf Children
Kathy Buckley is a hearing-impaired comedian who is the co-founder and spokesperson for No Limits for Deaf Children.
Legacy Award Recipient Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh & The Global Youth Earth Guardian Solutionary
Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh is an amazing 15 year-old who founded the Global Youth Earth Guardian Solutionary.
~ A special Thank You message from Lisa Haisha ~
Thank you so much for supporting our charity gala event on November 20th, 2015. Many amazing individuals showed up and experienced a powerfully transformative evening. Each and every one of you made the evening very special by adding your unique magic and creative energy.
There was so much light and love in the room that made the event a unique collaborative experience for everyone. The media reported that they were totally blown away by how well received they were. So, THANK YOU volunteers! We truly appreciate all the Legacy Leaders who showed up and walked the red carpet and donated their time and talent.
The 2015 Legacy Event had a huge impact on the hearts and minds of those who attended and has continued to spread out from there.
For example: one individual received a record deal, some people made new contacts forming nonprofit organizations, a celebrity couple was so moved that they decided to match our funds, and so many more miracles are continuing to unfold.
- Nandhi Ji Tapas Yogi
- Swami Baba Nataraja
- Helen Samuels
- Steve Robertson
- Shane Rilling
- Dr. Sarah Larsen
- Michele Anderson
Legacy Gala Speakers
We were honored to feature an eclectic mix of amazing speakers at this year’s charity gala. From a retired war veteran, a fashion designer and a record producer to successful entrepreneurs, authors and speakers, they each brought a unique spirit to the room. Be sure to check out each of their websites or follow them on Twitter to keep up with them.

Mallika Chopra
Author & Founder of Intent.com

Matt Aaron Lucas
Veteran & Actor

Lisa Garr
Radio Host & Author
The Aware Show

Shellie Hunt
WGC Founder & Speaker

Urbanna Chappa
Fashion Designer

Philip Lawrence
Songwriter & Producer
Our event started out with a pop opera concert by the talented vocal stylings of Nick Palance and the lovely Lynn Rose accompanied him.
One of our incredible hosts was the endearing humanitarian actress, O’rianka Kilcher, who is well known for her 2005 role as Pocahontas in The New World when she was just 14 years old.
My goal at the Legacy Gala was to cross-pollinate Hollywood celebrities with global spiritual leaders. This has been my highest honor and greatest joy. I can honestly say that my mission in life was perfectly encapsulated in this year’s Legacy Gala with my 3 main objectives: 1. SoulBlaze Your Life 2. Live Your Greatest Legacy Now 3. Give the Gift of Giving Back
As our world continues to go through extreme changes locally and globally, my intention is to leave this world a better place by inspiring others to tap into their unique talents, dream big, and join me in giving back.
The night was filled with music, magic and transformation! Click here to see some of the amazing photos from of the event taken by photographer Bob Delgadillo. I am so excited this year to award our… 2015 Legacy Winners to two amazing nonprofits!

We received three standing ovations and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house after our amazing special international celebrity guest, Emmanuel Kelly performed his incredible heartfelt rendition of “Imagine” by John Lennon and brought the house down!!!
Emmanuel Kelly’s Inspiring Story
For those of you who missed it, Legacy Leader Emmanuel Kelly was born in a war zone in Iraq and was found in a cardboard box by the nuns of Mother Theresa’s orphanage. He was only a few days old. Without fully formed arms or legs, Emmanuel’s life was challenging at best.
After several heartbreaking years, he was un-officially adopted by an Australian woman named Moira Kelly who took him under her wings and gave him a second chance at life. Mother Moira Kelly was able to inspire doctors around the world to gift him (as well as 2,000 other children of war torn countries) life saving surgeries.
Emmanuel went on to become an international music sensation on seven continents, receiving over a hundred million hits on YouTube. He has performed on the hit TV show X-Factor and released an incredible album called Dream Big. Click here to check out Emmanuel Kelly’s spectacular X-Factor audition.
We also want to thank all our conscious event sponsors and vendors for financially participating in the Legacy Series, for without them our magical evening would not have been possible.
Thank You To Our Sponsors

Our Legacy Vendors
In special thanks for their participation, we have given all of our Legacy Vendors a special one-year feature on Our Sponsors pages that will live on two high-trafficking websites for 2016.
Please be sure to visit these pages and shop till you drop knowing that you are consciously supporting companies that are truly making a difference in the world.
Nandhiji for Declaration of Consciousness | Nandhi.com
Lali Kakar for Vedic Oracle Readings | (917) 821-3947
Missy Galore for Shamanatrix Clothing | MissyGalore.com
Annemarie Brown for The Sattva Collection | TheSattvaCollection.com
Marcus Brown for Wooden Roots Drums | WoodenRoots.com
Reena Gauchan for Kathmandu Boutique | KathmanduBoutique.com
Triscka Donaghy for Ruby & Isadora Jewellery | RubyIsadora.com
Raquel Lopez for Empowerment Apparel | (505) 603-1174
Special Thank You’s To Our Very Talented Legacy Event Team
& Our Incredible Volunteers
Special thank you to Reena at Kathmandu Boutique for generously donating all the beautiful sacred statues, tapestries, and fine art to our event.
Legacy Event Team:
Lisa Haisha – Producer
Michael Rann – Line Producer
Tina Castaldi – Creative Event Director
Dawna Shuman PR & Red Carpet Director
Phil Lobel – PR
Christopher Kingry – PR
Shaun Kimbrow – PR
Steve Machuca – Event Production Assistant
Jeff Mc Coy – Audio Video Graphics & Projection
Mercedes Blackehart – Videographer
Jaq – Videographer
Clifford Burtley – DJ Kawaku – Sound Enginer
Jeremy Buck – Musical Performance
Kevin Young – Set Designer
Michael Jones & Pravina Narayan-Valle – Social Media
Our Volunteers:
Dr. Sarah Larsen
Julie Haisha
Maura Hoffman
Lauri Taylor
Jake Torossian
Corey Keisler
Kenneth Rippetoe
Joanne Rodriguez
Jennifer Dioguardi
Maika Greco
Cristina Cimellaro
Our Volunteers:
Rebecca Lincoln
Tana Espino
Astara Fisher
Julian Forest
Emmanuel Villegas (Ocho)
Anya Rann
Monica Vallero
Camini Natarajan
Mayan Butterfly
Selina Ringel
Congrats To The Night’s Winnners
I am happy to say the 2015 Legacy Charity Event was so successful that we had to gift the raffle online due to the number of individuals who showed up at the last minute. This had us running into overtime and we were not able to fit in all of our regularly scheduled program.
So I am proud to announce the Ticket Winners of the Legacy Gala Raffle…
Casa Del Mar Luxury Suite – Mercedes Blackehart
One Case of Organic Vinium Wine – Richard Waner
One Case of Organic Vinium Wine – Maura Hoffman

Thank you to Lee Aronsohn
Thank you to Lee Aronsohn, my loving husband who helped sponsor the Whispers From Children’s Heart Foundation and assisted me in publishing my first book Whispers from Children’s Hearts, my story of traveling to fifteen countries interviewing children in orphanages.
As this year comes to a close we want to let everyone know that we are very excited about launching our new monthly programs to serve the needs of our community; SoulBlazing Saturdays are the 3rd Saturday of every month. Click here to view our events calendar and sign up.
We also want to invite everyone to participate in our monthly SoulBlazing local outreach, where we gather volunteers to go into local hospitals and sing for children in need while delivering SoulBlazing Superhero Capes of Courage.
Our special Superhero for the Month of December is musical director, singer and songwriter Gary Gertzweig, also know as DOV from LoveStar Records. We thank him for all of his hard work and dedication to the amazing SoulBlazing song and video for our SoulBlazing Superheroes. We love and appreciate all you have done and continue to do for the children. You can check out his amazing non-profit at: EarthHarmonyFoundation.org.