Amare Magazine Features WFCH

Amare Magazine Features WFCH

Amare Magazine Features Whispers From Children’s Hearts Courage. Humor. Song. Founded by Lisa Haisha, WFCH (Whispers From Children’s Hearts) was created to support and address the emotional and spiritual needs of children’s hearts using music, theater, singing and the...

2015 Legacy Gala Red Carpet Highlights

The 2015 Legacy Gala was a star-studded success that touched the hearts of everyone in the room. Here are some of the red carpet highlights with Lisa Haisha speaking to some of the amazing and inspiring people who were a part of the unforgettable...
2015 Legacy Charity Gala Event Recap

2015 Legacy Charity Gala Event Recap

The 2nd Annual Legacy Series Charity Gala was held on November 20th, 2015 and was a smashing success. We are grateful for the wonderful turnout, love and support of all those that came to the event. Click the below links to see press photos and videos from the red...